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Today's Stuff Sunday, 6 October - 2024 Avilambi, Purattasi 20
In every difficult situation there is an opportunity. A prince may be banished from the royal palace to live a life of hardship in the jungles. In the jungle reside many sages, learned and wise in the meaning of life. From them the prince imbibes knowledge and grows in wisdom.
The wise man is needed as much on the battle field as in the council hall.
Feel ye the presence of the Spirit within yourself. And taste the amrit.
The Supreme was there when neither earth nor water existed, nor day nor night. Believe in Him and lead a full a life.
Universal Prayers - From Vedas
Lord, Thou abidest in all; Thou art all; Thou assumest all forms; Thou art the origin of all. Thou art the Self of all. Salutations unto Thee.
Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram
Salutations to Him who is not an object of any of the means of valid knowledge, Himself being the knowing Witness
Sri Lalita Sahasranama
Om akulayai namah.
Salutations to Her who is also the Akula (Siva) who is in the thousand-petalled lotus above the Kula Path.
Sivananda Lahari - Of Sri Sankaracarya
I am not used to meditate on Thee(in a concentrated state of mind). With my tongue I speak of Siva's stories, with my mind I adore His form, and with my head I prostrate to Sadasiva, the eternally pure.
Siva Sahasranama Stotram
The Best Seed. Om subijaya namah
Siva is the Seed of the universe without Himself undergoing any change.
Quotations from Sri Aurobindo and the Mother (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry)
Lord, we are upon earth to accomplish Thy work of transformation. It is our sole will, our sole preoccupation.

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